Exploring uncharted waters, unfolding an evolving humanity, we bring you the last voices of Gaia.

Listen to this show here.

This Episode is dedicated to World Chemtrail Awareness Day and Week, thanks to Mike Murphy (who made this documentary) and all those who are actively raising awareness. Carlita is unable to personally introduce this episode, as she is ill with flu for the 3rd time in 4 months, her asthma has also returned after four years of no asthma (she was living in Guatemala during that time) Carlita believes her current health prolems could be due to heavy Chemtrail activity in the new area she has recently moved to from Central America. Here is a brilliant audio version of “What in the World are they Spraying” the full documentary can be watched on youtube. Carlita is an environmental biologist and she recommends people watch this documentary or listen to and download the audio version she has here, as it is excellently presented with brilliant scientific proof and data. Please download the actual video version of the movie from youtube, if you can and pass it on, copy it to vimeo and email it to friends along with this audio version. Some chemtrail videos have been deleted from Youtube.

Another interesting fact is that GM Crops (Monsanto) and seeds are Aluminum resistant so people in Hawaiia have had to ask for GM seeds because normal and organic seeds will not grow due to too much aluminum changing the PH in the soils, they want to illiminate our ability to farm organic food trees are dying all over the world due to Chemtrail Spraying. the aluminium in the air affects our health the aluminium is 60 thousand times above health regulation warnings world wide, this is a serious world operation that is killing us softly.

A Chemtrail Appeal to President Obama http://www.colinandrews.net/Whistleblowers-Chemtrails.html

Update where the chemtrail operations are based in the USA: http://massachusettsrepublic.org/?page_id=926

Join “What in the World are they Spraying” Facebook Group
The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup Revealed.

By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the questions: who is doing this and why. With the release of this video, all of that has changed. Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water — all supposedly for the betterment of mankind. Although officials insist that these programs are only in the discussion phase, evidence is abundant that they have been underway since about 1990 — and the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife, and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it. Do not watch this documentary if you have high blood pressure.

• Runtime 95 minutes
• Produced by G. Edward Griffin, Michael Murphy and Paul Wittenberger

More information and resources to become active:

Belfort Group International Symposium


World Chemtrail Awareness Day Facebook Group the information below is thanks to Mario Argenta, Louis Royer, Es-tee A. Miller, Henkel Chemtrails Bavaria Germany, Bloski Stur, Chem Trail, Iam Awake, Ann Arka who founded this group

Join World Chemtrail Awareness Day 3 founded by the same people

Join Operation Blue Sky on Facebook



Our first World Anti Chemtrail Day Event originally took place the 20th of November, 2010. A second happening was immediately arranged(this one) because of the great success of the last and intense interest in the subject aroused by the new documentary film “What in …the World are they Spraying”.

This invitation marks a day where we have the opportunity to locally create a chemtrail-awareness event. Through our synchronization, we can reach people and politicians globally.

Please share your information, with an introduction to the issues, and a presentation of the film:
“What In the World Are They Spraying?” This new film gives you a well researched taste of what we are fighting for!



No matter where you live, Chemtrails are a source of concern. This is your opportunity to join forces with people from all over the world, who have the same concerns.
One thing is crucial; contact your local media. This is vital to show governments and the public that we are organized globally, and that we are prepared and serious. Tell your local governments and media you want an explanation to this destructive activity, and if you are brave enough, demand that they stop! There is safety in numbers, so join up with as many concerned citizens as you can, and make this day count!
Let’s create the *World We Want*
Prepare prior to January 22nd, 2011
-Make a flyer! Post it in local shops, message boards, or in neighboring mailboxes…
-Make a conference (like planned in Oslo, Norway)
-Make a concert? Fundraising is a way to raise awareness as well as money.
-Write a letter to the local news paper, local government, stating what the event is about.
-Ask to be interviewed by non-governmental radio station, prepare a short press release.
-Make up your own party and celebrate all that we have, and all that we are 🙂
-Make a march, like the members from Victoria, Canada, do!
-Flash Mob Event
-Flash Video
-Theatre/Mime/Dance or Music happening
-Arrange a showing of the documentary “What in the World are they Spraying” in your home, local restaurant, cafe, auditorium, theatre or other location.
-Any other ideas are greatly welcome ♥

The initiative is ours; the work is yours!

Chemtrails derive from the word contrails, and are considered a tool for geoengineering.

Remember the white condensation trail that used to follow in the wake of a jet? The trails we witness today are no longer dependant on atmospheric conditions to form, as they contain chemicals that are patented to expand and become cloud cover. The latest politically correct term is “consistent jet contrails”, while “aerosol spraying” and “cloud seeding” also are being used.

There are many theories why we are subjected to aerial spraying, and many people firmly believe our governments would not allow innocent people to suffer. If we look back, history persistently proves us wrong. As far back as the early 1940’s, the UK government began aerial spraying of chemicals on their unaware and uninformed electorate. When the Porton Down, UK spokesperson was asked if such tests were still being carried out in 2002, she responded: “‘It is not our policy to discuss ongoing research”(1).

What is a modified cloud?

First of all; there are many ways to modify clouds. One technique is called cloud seeding. This has been going on globally for years, and is commercially used as a fix for many countries already. In the Alps of South Island, New Zealand, for example, cloud seeding is carried out to assure adequate snowfall for the skiing season. Also in Tasmania, Australia, it has been used for years to increase the amount of rain for crops. While the clouds that bring rain and snow fall can be controlled, the use of cloud seeding is not controlled or regulated in any way as yet. Recently, it was suggested to be linked to the drought in the other half of the island, which is a repeated issue. Any direct link to nearby droughts is impossible to prove. What is for sure is that the distribution of the water is being manipulated. The Chemtrails themselves are creating the whole cloud, and layers of clouds. These “new clouds” are shown on NASA’s new map of contrails as naturally occurring clouds. That is a bit weird isn’t it, as a contrail actually isn’t a real cloud?

What is the content of the Chemtrails?

Again, facts and research can get confusing, as we do not have a jet that can fly up to take samples. But thousands of water and soil tests around the globe show increased amounts of heavy metals and unknown biological materials. The samples commonly show incredible amounts of aluminum and barium, but are not restricted to these. The biological material can both be genetically modified, like the (disease) “Morgellons” or other bio-toxic agents falling down to earth with the chemtrail particles. Don Croft, an anti-chemtrail activist, has used Nicola Tesla’s “cloud buster” to make a “chem-buster”. He says Chemtrails particles are held together by positive ions, as a gas called orgon. His chembuster transforms the charge of the ions from positive to negative.
On HAARP’s web page, they confirm how the ELF only works on positive ions, which naturally and continuously vary in amount. In other words, they will have a need to create more positive ions; hence the recent proliferation of Chemtrails?

Why modify clouds?

The Center Pointe Learning Academy publishes books for children where Chemtrails are shown as a healthy, yet obviously man-made attempt at “sun screening the earth”(3). The ideas belong to the deceased father of the hydrogen bomb, Edward Teller. He suggested that by increasing the amount of disturbances in the atmosphere by 0.5% – 1%, the sunlight might be reflected back out in space, and therefore not warm the planet. According to American governmental sources (which happen to be funding Teller’s work) this scenario means the oil and gas consumption can continue uninterrupted.
Some suggest Chemtrails are a part of a radar system, which in the eyes of history makes a lot of sense. Aluminum particles, or chaff, was used to obscure the enemy’s radar system during WWII. When used in conjunction with HAARP’s electromagnetic waves (ELF), it creates an atmospheric communication system that will function despite an electric break down.

Why are we concerned about this?

The main reason people are concerned about Chemtrails started with the direct personal experiences reported by millions of people online. Many of them seriously involved, many just asking what was happening, and many reporting. Wherever the spraying happens, a certain pattern of reactions occur (please help me fill in the blanks here):
** There are “trails” in areas where there are no regular flights
* The sky is stripy from trails, or has stripy clouds, or cirrus clouds
* The planes are observed changing directions or making patterns
* There is a haze in the air, not caused by humidity
* People get sick! Often with a range of symptoms similar to the common flu
This is a link to the “swine flu” vaccination program, which was revealed as a hoax by the journalist Jane Bürgermeister, who is taking the FBI and the WHO to court. Her case is up in Austria as we speak (mid September 2010)
* People wake up with dry throats and lose their voices
* Allergic reactions increase
* There are no birds or insects about; it is very quiet
* Plants may die, for no other obvious reason
* There might be rainbow colours in the clouds (!)
* Trails are created at night and intended to drift over the city
* Trails occur in Perth, Australia, which does not naturally have contrails at all, apparently since their constant extremely low humidity won’t allow it.

Weather changes

Weather modifications intended for warfare was banned by the UN in the 70’s; this gives us an idea how long ago this technology was developed, and also; where this technology probably is today. What is for sure is that unusual weather patterns often occur after chemtrail observations. In Otago, New Zealand, there has been 7 weeks of Chemtrails covering our skies, followed by floods and earthquakes. A massive storm, (the biggest ever and the size of Australia!) roars at sea south of New Zealand.
From links to Russian national news papers we read that most Russians actually do believe the fires this summer (2010) was caused by American weather modification (4). We know there was very high chemtrail activity in some of the surrounding areas prior to the fires (Norway, Sweden and Denmark). This scenario was then followed by floods in other surrounding areas.


I am not trying to convince anyone about Chemtrails, but I am trying to awaken curiosity, the will and the need to explore the subject for yourself.
As always with governmental secrets, nobody will admit to know anything about it. From the German magazine “Time and Space” article by Gabriel Stetter, we know that the citizen concern was awoken early in 2000. Greenpeace has been called upon to deal with the issue. We also know there are various answers to why they won’t deal with it, depending on which branch or country you contact. Link; http://www.holmestead.ca/chemtrails/r+z-gp.html
Please find out the truth for yourself, and if you think like us, join our World Chemtrail Awareness Day 22.01.2011 to provide a path for united public outcry!
LINKS to great information; to be continued ♥
(1) http://www.countercurrents.org/hurley240910.htm
(2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvjeK2RPMMg
(3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hesBizPRBoU (1-2-3-4)
(4) http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DY-VMfzO94M0

(5) http://www.rferl.org/content/Russian_Scholar_Warns_Of_Secret_US_Climate_Change_Weapon/2114381.html
(6) http://www.holmestead.ca/index-ct.html
(7) http://www.examiner.com/us-intelligence-in-national/haarp-secret-weapon-for-weather-modification-electromagnetic-warfare

Nous sommes plus de 2 000 participants, mais un « inconnu » a piraté le compte d’un membre pour annuler l’événement. C’est pourquoi vous avez reçu l’invitation une deuxième fois et nous nous en excusons, mais sachez que cet événement N’EST PAS ANNULÉ ♥

EN FRANÇAIS : http://www.facebook.com/tone.western#!/photo.php?fbid=444437317535&set=a.444436817535.238899.689992535&pid=5862000&id=689992535
GREEK ; http://worldantichemtrailday.blogspot.com/2010/10/greek-translation-of-world-anti.html
ESPAÑOL ; http://worldantichemtrailday.blogspot.com/2010/10/dia-mundial-anti-chemtrail.html


GERMAN language: Warum wurdet ihr eingeladen?


Dies ist ein Aufruf an all diejenigen, denen das Chemtrail und HAARP-Thema bewusst ist, vermehrt die Öffentlichkeit darauf hinzuweisen. Dies kann z.B. durch Vorträge, Kundgebungen, Auftritte, Flyer verteilen usw. geschehen. Der Phantasie sind keine Grenzen gesetzt.

Es vergeht fast kein Tag, an dem nicht gesprüht wird. Die Chemtrails verschmieren den blauen Himmel, wie ein Maler mit einem weissen Pinsel.

Und uns wird gesagt, es ist normal?!

Immer häufiger sind diese regenbogenartigen Reflektionen (sog. “Chembows”) zu sehen (ebenso fast jeden Tag), hervorgerufen durch die Metall-Nanopartikel.

Und wieder wird uns gesagt, es ist normal?!

Gerade jenen der älteren Jahrgänge (sagen wir mal so ab 1955) fällt auf, dass es diese Erscheinungen früher nicht gab.

Überhaupt sind wieder mehr Erfahrungswerte gefragt und die Beobachtung der Älteren. Denn für die Kinder, die ab dem Jahr 2000 geboren wurden, ist dieser Chemtrail-Himmel mittlerweile völlig normal. Fahlweiss (white sky), verschliert, mit künstlichen Wolkenschleiern.

In den Chemtrails sind Barium und Aluminium im Nanobereich enthalten (siehe Welsbachpatent). Nach starken Sprühtagen kommt es häufig zu spontanen Nasenbluten, Reizungen im Hals, Lungen- und Atemproblemen, Kopfschmerzen, Müdigkeit, Mattheit; um nur einige Symptome zu nennen.

Die Botschaft alleine, dass es am 22. Januar 2011 einen “Welt Anti Chemtrail Tag” gibt, stimmt mich positiv. Immer mehr Menschen wachen endlich auf und werden sich diesem Verbrechen bewusst. Auf der ganzen Welt gibt es mittlerweile Chemtrails-Aufklärungs-Aktionen.

Diese Aktion zählt auf das Verantwortungsbewusstsein jedes Einzelnen. Damit ist gemeint, dass jeder selbst etwas von alleine machen muss/kann, da uns die öffentlichen Medien dabei nicht unterstützen werden (zumindest vorerst nicht).

An diesem Tag wünschen wir uns, dass in vielen Teilen der Erde Anti-Chemtrailsaktivisten unterwegs sein werden, und den Menschen davon berichten.

Der momentan aktuellste und beste Film über Geoengineering/Chemtrails “What in the world are they spraying?” (mit deutschen Untertiteln) gibt Euch eine erschütternde Übersicht.



1.Vortrag von Werner Altnickel. Exgreenpeacler, 2-facher Gewinner des Oldenburger Umweltschutzpreises und Träger des deutschen Solarpreises 1997…Der ist seriöser wie Wikipedia…nimm dir bitte Zeit zum Anschauen, dann weisst du beischeid…:-) hier der Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czde8N6zu0U

2. Das Welsbach-Patent: chemische Wirkungsweise von Aluminiumoxiden, Bariumsalzen und Polymeren in der Atmosphäre:


3. Radiointerview: Die 59-jährige Zürcherin, Marketingchefin und Pressesprecherin der Singapore Airlines, arbeitet seit 40 Jahren in der Flugbranche. Vom Himmel war sie schon immer fasziniert. Seit längerer Zeit beobachtet sie dort Eigenartiges.






Make information leaflets- information thanks to Sallie Elkordy:





Screening this Film on 1/22 @ 7:30pm INN World News 56 Walker St., NYC

Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped

Global Skywatch Chemtrails

CHEMTRAILS: Frightening Rainwater Analysis Published by Government

Chemtrails What is Wrong With Our Skies – William Thomas

Rosalind Peterson: The Chemtrail Cover-Up


ChemBuster – the remedy for Chemtrail Health Problems!

City Commission Hears that Chemtrails is Geoengineering

U.S. Law Allows Testing of Chemicals and Biological Agents on “Civilian Population”

Don’t believe in chemtrails? Watch this!

History Channel Documentary Validates Chemtrails and Weather Warfare

Pilot Films Jet Spraying Chemtrails


Tower by Jason James Johnson


REGARDE LE CIEL – LOOK AT THE SKY by CORTEZIA singing about chemtrails, in Montréal, Québec, on May 23, 2010. LOUIS ROYER (words & music) and JESSICA CHARLAND. © Biendisance (SOCAN). Directed and edited by Jean Turgeon; second camera: Joachim Raginel. Recorded and mixed by Olivier René de Cotret. French subtitles translated into English by Louis Royer. CORTEZIA aux RENDEZ-VOUS DE LA CHANSON VIVANTE au pub Quartier Latin (Montréal, Québec) le 23 mai 2010. LOUIS ROYER (paroles et musique, guitare et voix), JESSICA CHARLAND (voix). © Biendisance (SOCAN). Réalisation et montage : Jean Turgeon; seconde caméra : Joachim Raginel; prise de son : Olivier René de Cotret.


HAPPY :::::WORLD:::::✈ :::::CHEMTRAIL:::::✈ :::::::AWARENESS::::✈ ::::::::::DAY::::::::✈ ::::::::22nd JAN:::::::::✈ :::::::::::2011::::::::✈

Listen to this show here.

This Episode is dedicated to Trevor James Constable and Wilhelm Reich and Peter Lindemann Men who have forever changed humanity with their discoveries.

Carlita introduces a brilliant documentary on Free Energy inventors, repressers, antogonists and supporters featuring many Free Energy breakthrough’s including early film of John Searl, Eric Kreag, among others, and a man called David Hamel with a head implant he claims was put their by alien sources that drives him to build a free energy flying machine in his backyard.

Machine to Die For is about the search for perpetual motion and free energy. Thanks to Elliot Jarvis Productions, Exploration Productions. A Mark Elliot Documentary, Narrator Chris Wiggins.

Conventional science claims this is impossible, yet generations of inventors have been mesmerized by the promise of an engine that powers itself.

The world’s reliance on diminishing fossil fuel resources and the associated problems of pollution serve to spur them on.

A Machine to Die For showcases a number of dedicated, sometimes eccentric, and always obsessive individuals who have devoted their lives to this quest.

The documentary could be used as a resource when studying motion and simple machines in secondary science and physics.

It could also serve as a springboard for discussions about inventors and inventions and the history of scientific endeavors. It would be suitable for teachers of middle to senior secondary students in Science.



background music intro: Aether by Ash of Panacea University

End: Distant Dreams,Roxanne Tatae by Nitin Sawnhey

and A rare 1930s Bing Band Swing Jazz feat, Harry Roy, King Porter Stomp

Listen to the show here.

Carlita is honored to have special guest Alfred Webre, J.D., M.Ed. founding Exopolitics expert, co-architect of the Space Preservation Act and Treaty to campaign for awareness and a ban on Weaponization of Space, he is also the congressional co-ordinator for the Disclosure Project.

Carlita talks to Alfred about the Space Preservation Act and Treaty, Stanley Fulham, The Council of Eight, Key events of 2010 such as the Norway Spiral, UFO over Moscow and general increased UFO sightings of the past year. Carlita asks Alfred his perspective on the issue of UFOs disarming or intercepting military nuclear weapons, how the shadow governments have imitation space craft and their agenda behind false flag black psy-operations, the Gulf Oil disaster and how the Gulf Stream has been altered and why these are important events to consider for earth changes. Carlita and Alfred Webre discuss life on Mars, the latest mysteries of the recent global bird and fish deaths, Electro Magnetic Vehicles surrounding the sun and the suns activities and how they will affect earth.

Alfred Webres Websites:
EXOPOLITICS: http://www.exopolitics.com
MARS: http://www.projectmars.net
Exopolitica Mexico: http://www.exopoliticamexico.org
Exopolitica Argentina: http://www.exopoliticsargentina.net
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
Alfred Webre believes that there is intelligent extraterrestrial life in our Universe. He is currently publishing a book called DIMENSIONS: THE DIMENSIONAL ECOLOGY OF THE MULTI-VERSE

Alfred is the author of the online e-book, “Towards a Decade of Contact” , A Decade of Contact Part 2 and the book “Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe”. The exopolitics model functionally maps the operation of politics, government and law in an intelligent Universe, and provides an operational bridge between models of terrestrial politics, government and law, and the larger models of politics, government and law in Universe society.
Alfred Webre says that the truest conception of our human circumstance may be that we are on an isolated planet in the midst of a populated, evolving, highly organized inter-planetary, inter-galactic, multi-dimensional Universe society. He believes that we live on a planet that has been quarantined (the Zoo Hypothesis) and that we are now being given an opportunity to join the rest of the spiritually evolved Universe Society in peace, thus an opportunity to avoid environmental global self-destruction or global self-destruction through war.
Webre’s views are not unlike the conclusion of other independent researchers such as Associate Professor of Political Science, Dr. Courtney Brown and the late Harvard Medical School Professor of psychiatry, Dr. John Edward Mack, who believed that we must become “galactic citizens”.

In 2007, Alfred Webre launched the Exopolitics Radio program hosted by 1480 KPHX (which at the time was the Air America Radio affiliate, and Nova M Radio flagship station, in Phoenix), Guests on the program have been generally advocates of views similar to that of Webre, and many are well known within the UFO research/enthusiast (and to a lesser extent the New Age) community.

During the last months of 2010, Alfred completed a tour of Mexico and was invited by the Science Faculty of the University of Colima, Mexico for a formal keynote lecture by Alfred Lambremont Webre – whose 2000 book “Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe” founded the science of Exopolitics – marks one of the first times in history that a University-level science faculty has formally commissioned a lecture on Exopolitics. Alfred describes Exopolitics as the new science of relations between intelligent civilizations in the Multiverse.
This advanced attitude by the Mexican University and educational establishment toward elevating the capacity and knowledge of their students and teachers regarding relations among intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse is in stark contrast to the recent Nov. 2, 2010 rejection by Denver, CO. voters of a proposed Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission. The United States has since 1953 suffered under an extraterrestrial truth embargo imposed by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Robertson Panel.
Education about possible extraterrestrial intervention 2011-2015

Continued at: http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-in-seattle/exopolitica-mexico-colima-launch-with-et-lecture-at-university-colima-mexico

Alfred Webre and Dr. Carol Rosin founded the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) in 2001. The ICIS mission is to educate decision-makers and the grassroots about why it is important to ban space weapons. Through the help of Congressman Dennis Kucinich, the Space Preservation Act (HR 3657) was introduced to the 108th Congress on January 23, 2002. ICIS continues to lobby for a Space Preservation Treaty conference where leaders of the world would gather to ban space weapons. Supported by former Minister of National Defence Hon. Paul Hellyer who believes that this treaty would help put a cap on the war industry and open the door for international cooperation in outer space exploration. Thus, transforming the “war based” economy into a “peace based” economy.The ICIS board is made up of various prominent individuals such as former astronauts Edgar Mitchell & Dr. Brian O’Leary, as well as Arthur C. Clarke, General Council Daniel Sheehan and John McConnell who is the founder of International Earth Day.

How to evaluate this 2011 brief upswing in state terrorism destabilizing events by Alfred Lambremont Webre

1. Attempt to instill fear and set agenda – This upswing at the beginning of 2011appears a coordinated attempt by the international d…rug and finance cartel to instill fear and confusion in the human population and instill fear and set an agenda.

2. The positive future 2011 – 2025 – In fact, the singularity at the core of our universe is emitting waves of enlightened unity consciousness that are accessible to all minds on Earth. These waves are driving a constant and objective level toward positive future.

3. Increased visibility and recognition of state terrorism – Whatever upswings in state terrorism are attempted in 2011 become occasions for the activated and enlightened portion of our human population to make the rest of the population aware that this state terrorism is designed by a very narrow international drug and financial cartel – DOPE INC – that is trying to keep themselves in power and their failing hold over the human population intact.

Continue reading on Examiner.com: AZ Congresswoman assassination scenario has MKULTRA profile, drug & space target – Seattle exopolitics | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-in-seattle/az-congresswoman-assassination-scenario-has-mkultra-profile-drug-space-target#ixzz1AsXO5ZOR

Music Contribution by

Jason James Johnson


Za-Zay -Jason James Johnson


Eric Modean Montross of the Illuminertia Project

Starwalkers-Carmen, Bizet, Mozart Dub Mix, a collaborative production by Carlita and Eric Modean Montross




The last sound click is from a video courtesy of “The Love Police” at youtube



Listen to the show here.

Carlita gives listeners a Happy and Thankful New Years message and leaves them with a present of her favorite groovy musical sounds of Asian Fusion, Dub, Funk with inspirational words from various inspirational muses, featuring a musical version of The Awakening Trilogy, to carry all into 2011 feeling happy, healthy and harmonically inspired to create a better future.

Awakening as ONE. Now is the time to co-Create the Beings out of LOVE for our Harmonious Future. The final part of the Prophecy brings the message of “The Awakening Trilogy” to its peak of inspiration and empowerment by shining a Light, through the fear and confusion surrounding the Mayan 12.21.2012. Created with great care and attention to the Wisdom of our Spiritual Prophets, Healers and that of certain new Scientists The Prophecy tells the story of 2012 with Light and clarity.



The Awakening Trilogy I: The Call 


The Awakening Trilogy II: The Plan

The Awakening Trilogy III: The Prophecy


Scientific Source Information for “The Prophecy”

Birth of a New Humanity, Mayan Prophecies & Cosmic Rays

Prophecies & Science of a Golden Age by David Wilcock (See parts 1, 2, 3, & 4):

Galactic Alignment — Indigenous Perspective (See parts 1,2 & 3):


Solar Activity & Magnetic Fields

Solar Cycle Progression — presented by NOAA :

Solar Storm Rising — Ervin Laszlo:

Cosmo Learning :


Sustainability Projects

Carlita’s Ecology and Sustainability Projects

Listen to this show here.

Carlita focuses on what needs to be remembered by America on this day (Thanks Giving), the true first American People, the Native Americans. Just three centuries ago, there were 8 million Sioux Native Americans, today there are only one hundred and fifty thousand, they are still living under repression on the “Reservation” on the Black Hills of Lakotah. Carlita introduces the photography of Aaron Huey http://www.aaronhuey.com, who worked with the Sioux people of Lakotah, to tell their story. Aaron Huey’s effort to photograph poverty in America led him to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, where the struggle of the native Lakotah  people is equal to the living conditions of the Haitian People. After five years of work later, his haunting photos intertwine with a shocking history lesson in this bold, courageous talk.

Aaron Huey is a photographer for National Geographic Adventure and National Geographic Traveler magazines. His stories from Afghanistan, Haiti, Mali, Siberia, Yemen and French Polynesia (to name just a few) on subjects as diverse as the Afghan drug war and the underwater photography of sharks, can be found in The New Yorker, National Geographic and The New York Times.

See Aaron Huey’s slide show and talk at the Ted Conference at: http://www.ted.com/talks/aaron_huey.html

Aaron Huey’s Photography worldwide:

http://www.aaronhuey.com and Aaron Huey’s Blog http://aaronhuey.com/blog/

More on the persecution of Native American People and Indigenous people of the Americas can be found on Carlita’s Ecology website at:

Republic of Lakotah


AIM-American Indian Movement


Leonard Peltier


More information on Native American People’s History on Carlita’s Evolve to Ecology Website:


Email Carlita at: Lastvoicesofgaia(@)gmail.com carla.shaw (@)evolvetoecology.org or sailingbeyondknowledge(@)myspace.com

Visit Carlitas Ecology  and Sustainability Projects for Indigenous People, learn about our ecology projects and other projects at: http://www.evolvetoecology.org


Listen to this show here.

In English & Spanish

Carlita gives special thanks for her first very generous podcast donation. Carlita was invited to a private preview of the documentary The Storm That Swept Mexico of which she introduces the auditory version of the  documentary, the visual material is unparalleled and must be seen as it contains amazing film and photographic archives used along with interviews with veteran zapatistas’ who were over a hundred years old at the time of shooting the documentary, therefore their stories could give first hand witness accounts of the Mexican Revolution that they were a part of. The Storm That Swept Mexico is an impressively concise and detailed political documentary, that took ten years to make, produced by Raymond Talles, who’s own grandfather fought alongside Villa, while his family were torn apart by opposing political views and the turmoil of a country at war. Raymond Telles is a veteran producer of many award-winning programs including The Fight in the Fields, the biography of Cesar Chavez, Inside the Body Trade, Children of the Night (Frontline), and Race is the Place. He has produced and directed programs for PBS, ABC, NBC, Discovery, and National Geographic. Telles has won numerous awards including Emmy Awards, the DuPont-Columbia Gold Baton, PBS Programming Awards for News and Current Affairs, The Ohio State Award, ALMA Award, top honors in the San Francisco, Chicago and New York Film Festivals, as well as numerous other awards for his work in film and broadcast journalism

The Storm that Swept Mexico tells the story of the Mexican Revolution, the first major political and social revolution of the 20th century. The Revolution not only changed the course of Mexican history, but also profoundly impacted its relationships with the rest of the world. The Storm that Swept Mexico looks at the complex historical, social, political, economic and cultural forces that shaped the Revolution influenced its course and determined its consequences and legacy.

The Storm that Swept Mexico cuenta la historia de la Revolución Mexicana, la primera gran revolución política y social del siglo 20. La Revolución no sólo cambió el curso de la historia mexicana, sino también impacto profundamente sus relaciones con el resto del mundo. The Storm that Swept Mexico busca en las complejidades históricas, sociales, políticas, económicas y culturales que dieron forma a la Revolución, influyo en su curso y determino sus consecuencias y su legado.

The Storm That Swept Mexico website:

Director: Raymond Telles
Archivist: Kenn Rabin
Producers: Raymond Telles, Kenn Rabin
Director of Photography: Vicente Franco
Editor: Manuel Tsingaris
Music: Pete Sears, Los Lobos
Narrator: Luis Valdez
Interviewees: Baldomero Blanquet, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, Barry Carr, Romana Falcón, Adolfo Gilly, P. Edward Haley, Friedrich Katz , Maria de Jesus Lopez Davila, Laura Gonzalez Matute, Carlos Pacheco Valle, Max Parra, Elena Poniatowska, Ramón Ruíz, Benjamín Sánchez, Alex Saragoza, Andrés Soto, Jesus Vargas, Jorge Zapata


Email Carlita at: carla.shaw@evolvetoecology.org or sailingbeyondknowledge@myspace.com Visit Sailing Beyond Knowledge and learn about our ecology projects and other projects at:





Listen to this show here

Thanks for the Spanish & English translation by Maya Rose  and Terry Rubin. Thanks to all that took part. This is the Third and Final installment of Episode 26 and this last part was recorded before the presentation with Bennie “BlueThunder” LeBeau, however it was more appropriate to place the recorded ceremony at the end of Blue Thunder’s Presentation of how the Medicine Wheel Healing works during the sacred Ceremonies. Part 1 and 2 is a presentation Blue Thunder gives on how the medicine wheel healing works on the earth’s energy fields, repairing and changing energy vibrations and frequencies, repairing the sacred geometry of planet earth, healing spiritual and organic matter and healing ourselves in the process. This ceremony is the final installment to honor a day of earth healing with Blue Thunder and to honor Blue Thunder and his work, in the Highlands, Solola, Panajachel, Guatemala.

Blue Thunder’s Websites:






Singing by Maya Rose, who is a sound healer


Further Information on effects of Human Consciousness with Water Water Filmmaker and mystic ecologist David Sereda discusses some of the amazing properties of water- http://enwaterment.com/new/02-amazing-water.

html http://www.life-enthusiast.com/twilight/research_emoto.htm



Listen to this show here.

(Presentation is in Spanish & English) Thanks to Maya Rose for the Spanish Translation of Blue Thunders Presentation on Medicine Wheel Earth Healing and how it works. This is the Second Part of the Presentation with Bennie”BlueThunder”LeBeau,

Episode 26- Part 2 is a continued recording of Blue Thunder giving a presentation on how the medicine wheel healing works on the earths energy fields. He explains that every human thought and action we have, the earth records and is affected by our negative and positive actions on a deeply energetic level, so if our emotions go out of balance we affect the vibrations of mother nature. Blue Thunder performs sacred songs with Maya Rosa and he explains how sacred songs and ceremonies heal these inbalances through sound healing.Part 3 is recorded outside during a medicine wheel circle ceremony performed by Blue Thunder. You can listen to this second installment of this 3 part podcast, a day of earth healing with Blue Thunder in the Guatemalan Highlands, Solola, Panajachel, Guatemala.

Bennie”BlueThunder”LeBeau’s Native American Tribal Nation is the the Eastern Shoshone Nation, located on the Wind River Indian Reservation, Fort Washakie, Wyoming. Blue Thunder was invited to Lago Atitlan, Guatemala to help heal the problems of the Lake. Blue Thunder is good friends with Dr Emoto and understands that our thoughts affect everything, including water, therefore if we clean our hearts and minds and only think clean thoughts we can heal our hearts and minds as well as a whole lake. Blue Thunder is a reknowned Medicine Wheel Earth Healer. He is a Younger Tribal Elder, 59 years old from the Wind River Indian Reservation of the Eastern Shoshone Nation, located on the Wind River Indian Reservation, Ft. Washakie, Wyoming. Blue Thunder has also been a member of the Spiritual Elders of Mother Earth as a seed carrier of prophecies. He is well known for creating Medicine Wheel and other Circle Ceremonies that accomplish major healings of Mother Earth’s Environments and sacred sites repairing the Mother Earth’s power centers, sacred carpets of Mother Earth, healing the energy grids, which have been disrupted by various forms of development. The Grand Tetons Medicine Wheel of May 8, 2004, encompassing a 1,200-mile diameter, alleviated the impending explosion of the Yellowstone Super Volcano in 2004: This Ceremony helped restore harmony within Mother Earths, Wind, Fire and Water helping curbing and softening the tornadoes, floods, droughts and earthquakes within this huge circle. He has set up large healing ceremonies based on the sacred geometry of the earths energy meridians, he was implemental in healing Yellowstone Volcano, which he explains is on the exact oposite side of the earth to Iran and Iraq, where there has been constant bombing, war and negativity.

Blue Thunder points out that ‘As Above, So Below’ is a fact that really comes into play with the earths sacred energy meridians, This is why the Yellowstone Volcano has been threatening to explode, Blue Thunder worked at the site and at some 20 points 600 miles in full circle around the epicentre, the effects of his ceremonies are extremely potent and healing.

Blue Thunders Websites:






Music: Introduction Morning Star Flute Music by Joseph Firecrow http://www.josephfirecrow.com/

End Starry Night by Douglas Spotted Eagle http://www.spottedeagle.com/

Thanks to Terry of San Marcos, Guatemala, for her guitar and songs

Email Carlita at: carla.shaw@evolvetoecology.org  or  sailingbeyondknowledge@myspace.com

Visit Sailing Beyond Knowledge and learn about our ecology projects and other projects at: http://lastvoicesofgaia.wordpress.com



Contact Carlita at:

Lastvoicesofgaia (at) gmail.com

Listen to the show here.

(Presentation is in Spanish & English) Thanks to Maya Rose for the Spanish Translation of Blue Thunders Presentation on Medicine Wheel Earth Healing and how it works.

Carlita starts with an introduction to Bennie”BlueThunder”LeBeau, at http://tetonrainbows.com -this podcast is dedicated to earth healing, this weekend there are several earth healing events, the earthdance festival which is parrt of the synchronized prayer for peace taking place this weekend worldwide on the 18th of September, Earth Dance International and at  http://www.earthmothercrying.org/ and http://tetonrainbows.com/flyersynchronization.pdf . Other wonderful events taking place next month is  a great concept of  100 participating artists in a community art exhibition created by Carne Griffith to be shown in New Orleans and London, go to www.100sqft.co.uk for more details or to take part in the next show.

Parts 1 and Part 2 are a recording of Blue Thunder giving a presentation on how the medicine wheel healing works on the earths energy fields. He explains that every human  thought and action we have, the earth records and is affected by our negative and positive actions on a deeply energetic level, so if our emotions go out of balance we affect the vibrations of mother nature. Blue Thunder performs sacred songs with Maya Rosa and he explains how sacred songs and ceremonies heal these inbalances through sound healing.Part 3 is recorded outside during a medicine wheel circle ceremony performed by Blue Thunder.

First installment of a 3 part podcast  day of earth healing with Blue Thunder  in the Guatemalan Highlands, Solola, Panajachel, Guatemala. Bennie”BlueThunder”LeBeau, his Native American Tribal  Nation is the the Eastern Shoshone Nation, located on the Wind River Indian Reservation, Fort Washakie, Wyoming.  Blue Thunder was invited to Lago Atitlan, Guatemala to help heal the problems of the Lake. Blue Thunder is good friends with Dr Emoto and understands that our thoughts affect everything, including water, therefore if we clean our hearts and minds and only think clean thoughts we can heal our hearts and minds as well as a whole lake. Blue Thunder is a reknowned Medicine Wheel Earth Healer. He is a Younger Tribal Elder, 59 years old from the Wind River Indian Reservation of the Eastern Shoshone Nation, located on the Wind River Indian Reservation, Ft. Washakie, Wyoming.

Blue Thunder has also been a member of the Spiritual Elders of Mother Earth as a seed carrier of prophecies. He is well known for creating Medicine Wheel and other Circle Ceremonies that accomplish major healings of Mother Earth’s Environments and sacred sites repairing the Mother Earth’s power centers, sacred carpets of Mother Earth, healing the energy grids, which have been disrupted by various forms of development. The Grand Tetons Medicine Wheel of May 8, 2004, encompassing a 1,200-mile diameter, alleviated the impending explosion of the Yellowstone Super Volcano in 2004: This Ceremony helped restore harmony within Mother Earths, Wind, Fire and Water helping curbing and softening the tornadoes, floods, droughts and earthquakes within this huge circle. He has set up large healing ceremonies based on the sacred geometry of the earths energy meridians, he was implemental in healing Yellowstone Volcano, which he explains is on the exact oposite side of the earth to Iran and Iraq, where there has been constant bombing, war and negativity.

Blue Thunder points out that ‘As Above, So Below’ is a fact that really comes into play with the earths sacred energy meridians, This is why the Yellowstone Volcano has been threatening to explode, Blue Thunder worked at the site and at some 20 points 600 miles in full circle around the epicentre, the effects of his ceremonies are extremely potent and healing.

Blue Thunders Websites:








background music- a selection of native american sacred songs

Interval-Flute Music by Richard Blackhawk Kapusta at www.blackhawkofwisconsin.com

Email Carlita at:



Listen to this show here.

In English and Spanish:

This episode was going to be an interview with  Leonardo Lisondro Guarcia Guarcax Gonzales, instead it turns out to be a dedication to Leonardo who was kidnapped and murdered a week ago. Leonardo founded the Mayan Cultural Theatre Group, ‘Sotz’il‘, based in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Carlita talks about Leonardo  and how he made an impact on the Mayan people by reconnecting them with their ancient heritage and making them proud of their culture and ancient Mayan spiritual practices.

Gonzales was abducted last Wednesday, the 25th of August, 2010, his body was found later on friday. His murder has deeply outraged the Mayan people of Guatemala, it is believed that he was assasinated because his work was devoted to empowering the indigenous Mayan people through reconnecting them with their ancient heritage with workshops, short films and theatre performances, Leonardo taught ancient Mayan philosophy and revived shamanic ceremonies in performance art. He was an amazing leader and preserver of the Mayan culture.

Sotz’il Maya is an organization model based on community participation basis for generating alternative proposals and technical and political nature in the economic, social and culture, with the aim of overcoming the problems facing the people affected and Maya in particular, indigenous peoples and Guatemalan society in general as well as contribute to the process of construction of pluralistic and self-sustainable development in Guatemala.

Sotz’il means in Kaqchikel language ‘bat’, the bat is the symbol of the People Kaqchikel as protector and nahual of kaqchikeles SOTZ’IL called.

According to the Memorial of Solola, Annals of the Kaqchikel, after creating the world and man, the ancestors of the Pueblo Kaqchikel came from the west to the city of Tulan, this city is the birthplace of all the peoples of Mayan origin , as have the ancient manuscripts, such as Popal Vuh, Title of the Lords of Totonicapán and the said Memorial.

The ancestors of the Kakchiquel people, to reach Tulán, found a bat to keep his doors, and in this place were given a red staff, hence the name of Kaqchikeles (those of the staff or stick red) and after delivering a tribute commanded them to populate the territories they inhabit today.

Leonardo Lisondro Guarcia Guarcax Gonzales will be missed by the mayan people, but his contribution to reviving and peserving the Mayan ceremonies and culture will stay alive. click here to see a short film called ‘Xel Kej-Cortometraje‘  featuring Leonardo Gonzales.

In this episode you can listen to a discussion between Alejandro Batz, Bonnie Dilger, Carlita and Eric Montross recorded in Santiago, Atitlan, Guatemala. Carlita introduces Alajendro Batz, an indigenous Mayan who founded ASCODIMAYA, based in Patzun, Guatemala. Alejandro Batz is introduced to Bonnie Dilger (who was interviewed in Episode 24), to discuss the passing of Leonardo, what this means and what can be done to improve the situation of Mayan People who are campaigning for self empowerment and preservation of their ancient heritage. Alejendro Batz has dedicated 40 years of his life to improving the social and living conditions of rural Mayan families, in addition to educating them on their human and land rights. Please go to http://www.evolvetoecology.org/ascodimaya.asp to read more about the work of ASCODIMAYA for the indigenous Mayan People of the Guatemalan Highlands or contact Alejendro Batz

No political party in power has really been representative of the whole of the indigenous Mayan population.  Guatemalan People are divided due to traditional and religous political interests and powerful economic groups. Another example is that women practically are not permitted or encourageded to participate in the political life: out of the 15 Mayan deputies, only one woman was able to occupy a seat in Congress, and out of the 118 Mayan mayors, there is just one woman. On top of this, these deputies and Mayors barely have any power of decision, since each political party they represent holds a partisan political doctrine, which is out of touch with the reality of the country. Also, the successive governments have perpetuated (without any exceptions) their discriminatory politics against the Indigenous Peoples. The work of Alejendro Batz has been to educate  rural Mayan people on their political rights as well as land rights and human rights.

Capacity-building classes on the following themes have been taught by Ascodimaya:

  • Human Rights
  • Analysis of the Peace Agreement, especially of the Agreements on Identity and Rights of the Indigenous Peoples
  • The Agreement on the Agrarian Situation and Socioeconomic Aspects
  • The role of the military in a democratic society
  • The Agreement on the Establishment of a Commission for the Historical Clarification of the Human Rights Violations and the Violent Acts that have caused the population’s suffering (in relation with the compensation for the victims of war and the genocide, racism and discrimination that our country endured during war)
  • Study of national laws and international treaties: Labor Code, Municipal Code, Law of Urban and Rural Development Councils, General Law of Centralization, Political Constitution of the Republic, Civil Code, International Treaties and Agreements ratified by the State (mostly Agreement 169 of the International Labor Organization – ILO)…

Apart from the study of these subjects, the association has given courses on medicinal plants, circumstantial analysis, analysis and interpretation of the Mayan Calendar, communal cohabitation, Mayan ceremonies in different sacred places, walks in commemoration of the International Women’s Day and the International Workers’ Day (May Day), mass meetings and peace Vigils.

For all these reasons, ASCODIMAYA has identified the need to encourage organised work, political education and social work among inhabitants of the communities of Patzún, Sololá and K’iche, contact Alejandro Batz via email or phone to volunteer with one of his projects or to make a donation directly to ASCODIMAYA, Guatemala.

La Asociación de Coordinación de Desarrollo Integral Maya

4 Calle 3 –75 Zona 5 Colonia Noruega
Patzún, Chimaltenango, Guatemala. C.A.
Celular (00502) 50-46-81-41

Email: ascodimaya@hotmail.com


Following this discussion is a short Book Presentation on Plant Medicine, “Natural Healing, A Journey To The Mayan World of Atitlan”  by Richard Morgan Syzbist, This book can be ordered directly from Richard as it is not currently available at Amazon. Go to http://www.atitlan.com/losencuentros.htm or http://www.adventurestudy.com/publications.htm and write an email to Richard to order a copy of his latest book.



Background music : Shiva Rea

Interval: Sotz’il Theatre Group, Guatemala

Tango Argentina, Volver- by Victor Viladangos


Email Carlita at:



Visit Sailing Beyond Knowledge and learn about our ecology projects and other projects at:




Contact Carlita at: Lastvoicesofgaia@gmail.com