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Carlita is honored to have a very special guest, a legendary pioneer for engineering the ether- Trevor James Constable. Visit Trevor’s Airborne  Etheric Rain Engineering website

Trevor James Constable, originally from New Zealand, worked in the merchant marines for over 31 years as a merchant marine radio officer, he  travelled on enormous ships crossing the north eastern pacific ocean over 300 times, this gave him the opportunity to experiment with his research based on Wilhelm Reich’s work. After Trevor retired from the Merchant Marines, Trevor launched the worlds first Airborne Etheric Weather Engineering Operations based in Singapore from the late 1980s to the 2000;  Trevor worked with US AirForce retired Colonel W.A.”Willy” Schauer, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer George K. C. Wuu and US AirForce General retired Curtis Emerson Lemay.

Trevor has written ten books, his most notible work being the Cosmic Pulse of Life, The Revolutionary Biological Power Behind UFOs. Trevor talks about how he learnt to engineer the ether based on his pioneering Austrian research influences such as Dr Wilehlm Reich and Rudolph Steiner’s work, Trevor’s book LOOM OF THE FUTURE — 1994 which was out of print is now being republished and available at the Book Tree,(in 90 days) http://www.thebooktree.com.

Trevor explains how he came to learn about Ether through Dr Wilhelm Reich’s experiments with illuminating ether in a vacuum tube and how the function of the orgasm is key in understanding the principles of the ether, the divine primordial substance that is the basis for all universal life forms. Trevor was guided by Wilhelm Reich’s daughter Dr Eva Reich, which allowed him to refine his techniques with rain engineering. Trevor discusses how the etheric force flows around the earth oscillating around the cardinal points and how it can be manipulated to create rain, he developed and fine-tuned equipment on his ocean crossings across the North Eastern Pacific. He explains how his rain-engineering tubes are constructed and how they can work with the ether, how this creates a force that attracts and pushes back the ether. Trevor funded all his rain engineering work himself, he developed the P-gun after his work at sea which he used in his Etheric Weather Engineering Aviation project work in the 1990s privately funded operations until he was aided by George K.C. Wuu of Singapore. The work has thus been kept clean and independent. He discusses how this technology was used to save Malaysia from a four and a half month drought. Watch a presentation of Trevor and his Rainengineering work in action in this video

We explore the many social and political implications that his Rain Engineering operations came up against and why government officials are afraid to use his pioneering technology. Trevor explains how the oligarchs persecute governments if they attempt to use this pioneering technology because the oligarchy profit from drought and pollution. We discuss how other scientists’ pioneering research has been repressed, destroyed and discredited for the same reasons. The story of Dr Ruth Drowns which features in his book the Cosmic Pulse of Life, where Dr Ruth Drowns features in the story “criminal or genius”.

Trevor was the first person to use and develop the technique of filming in infra-red and ultra-violet to study plasma organisms, he refers to as critters, he talks about his work documenting these creatures that live in our atmosphere in outer-psace, which are not visible to the human naked eye. We discuss these creatures and their documentation in space with the famous tether incident, leaked out on NASA footage, we discuss other elemental beings and plasma orbs. Trevor talks about how this biodiversity of unseen life has been here since the beginning of time, documented in ancient petroglyph cave art since 3000 BC. The question is not when did life appear on earth, but when did life not appear on earth?

Further reading:

You can purchase The Cosmic Pulse of Life and The Loom of the Future: Weather Engineering Loom of the Future : The Weather Engineering Work of Trevor James Constable by Thomas J Brown order from the Book Tree at http://www.thebooktree.com/cosmicpulseoflifebytrevorjamesconstable.aspx

Do not buy any books from this website– http://trevorjamesconstable.com/

Trevor advised me that this site is a fraudulent trading website, after I personally ordered one of Trevor James Constables books from this website, I never received my copy. The person who runs this website has little to do with Trevor James Constable and is mearly profiting from advertising Trevor’s work and books, but the website owner does not send out books to those that have paid and ordered them through this website.

Trevor’s recommended reading:

The Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man. 1932, by Guenther Wachsmuth,

The Four Ethers by Ernst Marti, MD. Published in 1984 by Schaumberg Publications, 1432 South Mohawk Drive, Roselle, Illinois 60193.

The Function of the Orgasm-The Discovery of the Life Energy, Vol.1.1940 by Wilhelm Reich

Man or Matter by Ernst Lehrs (download book for free here http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/5641)

The Warmth Course by Rudolph Steiner

The Reincarnation of Animal and Plant Life from Protoplasm Isolated from the Mineral Kingdom. 1934 by Morley Martin.

The Morley Martin Experiments and the Experiments of Dr Charles w. Littlefield. 1950, by Meade Layne

Univited Visitors, 1967. by Ivan T.Sanderson

Further research:

Wilhelm Reich






Dr Batmanghelidj M.D -” You’re not sick, you’re thirsty, don’t treat thirst with medication”




Dr Ruth Drown


*Solution (Free) Energy:








The Ether, Consciousness, Radionics, Ancient Knowledge, Light & Electricity

Thomas Brown


Create sustainable energy communities


Trevor James Constable-Bibliography


1. Spacemen, Friends or Foes?  Monograph 1957. New Age Publishing Co. Los Angeles

2. They Live in the Sky (pseudonym Trevor James) 1958 New Age Publishing Co. L.A.

3. Fighter Aces  1966 MacMillan, NY (co-authored with Colonel Raymond F. Toliver USAF Ret.

4. HORRIDO! Fighter Aces of the Luftwaffe. 1968 MacMillan NY.(First comprehensive account of the Luftwaffe Fighter Arm in WWII in English. Introduction by General Adolf Galland. (coauthored by Colonel Raymond F. Toliver USAF Ret.)

5. The Blond Knight of Germany, 1970. Doubleday, NY. Official biography of the world’s greatest fighter pilot, Erich Hartmann. Translated into German by Motorbuch Verlage, Stuttgart.

6.  One of the most successful trade books in Germany since WWII 6. HIDDEN HEROES, 1971 Published by Arthur Barker Ltd. London. Ten stories of outstanding heroic men lost to history.

7. COSMIC PULSE OF LIFE 1975. Published by Merlin Press, Tustin, California. Known as the “underground classic.”  Republished 1977 in hardback by Neville Spearman, Ltd., London. Revised and enlarged version published in 1990 by Borderland Sciences Research Foundation. Since reprinted.

8. SKY CREATURES, LIVING UFOs. 1976 Simon and Schuster NY, Pocket Books version of COSMIC PULSE OF LIFE.

9. FIGHTER ACES OF THE USA 1996. Published by Schiffer Publishing, Atglen, Pennsylvania, largest aviation publisher in the world. Required reading at the Air Force Academy.  Co-authored with Colonel Raymond F. Toliver USAF Ret.

10. FIGHTER ACES OF THE LUFTWAFFE  1997  Published by Schiffer, Atglen Pa. Considered by surviving German pilots of WWII as their monument.

11. FIGHTER GENERAL, The Life of General Adolf Galland. 1999 Official biography of the most famous German fighter pilot of WWII, the General of the Lufwaffe Fighter Arm

12. LOOM OF THE FUTURE — 1994. Borderland Sciences Research Foundation. Comprehensive overview of TJC’S weather engineering work since in inception. In the unique format of a giant, heavily illustrated interview. Over 130 pictures (misc. articles written for the Borderland Journal and other magazines)


1. ETHERIC WEATHER ENGINEERING ON THE HIGH SEAS 1991 Produced and directed by TJC, offered through Borderands on the world public market.

2. A.E.R.E.O.  Airborne Etheric Rain Engineering Operations. 2000. Directed by TJC, produced by Etheric Rain Engineering Pte Ltd. Singapore. Corporate video demonstrating airborne etheric rain engineering without chemicals or electric power

Music: Interval- We Will Win-Tokolonga by Mpembe Effect End- Soaring by Kwame D This podcast interview was recorded on the evening of the 3rd of March GMT time.

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